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Microforms are photocopies of books, images, newspapers, manuscripts, etc. that have been reduced in size then stored on film. They are used for 3 reasons:

  • Information can be accessed without damaging the original
  • Easily transferred to other libraries
  • Space saving

At the NU Library find books, periodicals, newspapers, and manuscripts about Central Asia on microfiche or microfilm.

To find items in the catalog

  1. Go to the Library Website search box.
  2. Enter your search criteria (ex. Titles or keyword + microform)
  3. Bring the call number to a 3rd floor librarian

Eastview publisher newspapers

  • Izvestiia: January 1940- December 2013
  • Kazakhstanskaya Pravda: January 1945 - December 2011
  • Pravda: January 1912 - December 2010
  • Sotsialistic Kazakhstan: January 1932 - December 1990
  • Trud: January 1930 - December 2011 

Use the following guides to browse and find full descriptions for resources on Central Asia. 

Brill publisher books, periodicals and manuscripts list

  • "Asian Studies in Russia and the former USSR"
  • "Periodicals and Serials in Imperial Russia (up to 1917)"
    • Subcollection: Official and government publications
      • Sel'skoe khoziaistvo i lesovodstvo
      • Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia
    • Subcollection: Military periodicals
      • Trudy Imperatorskogo russkogo voenno-istoricheskogo obshchestva
    • Subcollection: History; Archaeology; Ethnology; Auxiliary Historical Disciplines
      • Etnograficheskoe obozrenie
      • Istoricheskii vestnik
      • Trudy Orenburgskoi uchenoi arkhivnoi komissii

ProQuest publisher 

Microform equipment is located in the Small Reading Room 5e316, 3rd floor

1 Switch on the computer. Make sure Microfilm machine is switched on as well. Check power indicator light, if it is off use the button at the back side of the machine to switch it on.
2 At the desktop screen double-click on the PowerScan 2000 icon and immediately, the Microfilm ScanPro 2000 will be ready for operation.
3 Select the respective film type
4 Pull the fiche carrier handle outwards until the glass slate opens wide to about a 45 degree angle. Make sure that the glass slate is in the center and nothing prevents its wide opening while you are pulling.

Diagram should appear on the screen, displaying the proper way to load a film reel.

All film rotation is CLOCKWISE

To load a microcard, simply place the film underneath the glass slate


Once any film is loaded properly, push the fiche carrier handle back under the lens.

7 Make sure to use the carrier handle as the initial mode of alignment. Simply move the handle around until the film can be seen upon the monitor
8 Use the manual scrolling handle on the right side of the machine to help find where the print begins.
9 Use the motorized roll film control to help scroll through the slides- click the center rectangle and drag in the desired direction OR use the double arrows for speedy scrolling.
10 Use four keys on Adjust TAB for initial film correction: Film type, Film Orientation, Rotate and Mirror.
11 To scan the material within the crop box, click on the Scan icon on the Output TAB: All scans will be transferred to a file on the desktop of the computer, titled My Scans.
12 To roll the film all the way back to its start position pull the carrier handle as it is shown in step 4 and double-click the button Rewind on the far left.
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