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Globalization and Higher Education: Finding Resources

This research guide offers a trove of resources, tools and tips to assist you in the course in Globalization and Higher Education. Feel free to explore!

Online Library Catalog

Find books, DVDs, Audiobooks, and CDs from the Primo search box at the Library Homepage to find library resources you need.

Three ways to search in the Online Library Catalog

Simple Search. The easiest method of using a search tool is simply to type one or more key words in the search box and click on the search button. The search tool will return a list of hits relating to the keywords you entered. 

Advanced Search. To improve your searching efficiency, you should use Boolean Logic. Using the towards AND, OR and NOT will help refine your search.

DOI (Direct Object Identifier)

DOI is often encountered when you are searching for e-resources. But essentially, what is DOI?

DOI or digital object identifier is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency (the International DOI Foundation) to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. The publisher assigns a DOI when an article is published and made available electronically (American Pyschological Association, 2016).

When DOI is permanently assigned, regardless of changes in ownership or location of the content, the object stays.  It is imperative that once a DOI number is registered, it is never changed. The metadata or URL associated with it may change, but not the number.

Google Search

Google Scholar Search
Google Web Search
Google Book Search

For your convenience, suggested search terms are provided. Please click the search box below the Google icon to see results.

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