Here are the recommended mineralogy that are divided into a few sections as recommended textbooks, reference books, and e-books. The Library has a large collection of resources on paleontology, many of which you'll find with a simple keyword search. Other words or phrases to try: petrology; geochemistry; mineralogical geology; petrography; sedimentology. Find advanced search technics in our libguides: Searching for Information, Primo Quick Start Guide, How to Read and Download eBooks?
If you would like to browse the bookshelves, most related to Paleontology materials are in TN sections of the library shelves. Please see the library building maps.
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Primo is a great place to search for articles, academic journals, and other electronic materials. While internet is a powerful search engine, you will benefit from the library resources having access to scholarly and peer-review information from different databases. The search guide will help you effectively find relevant information.
Database is a collection of subject-specific articles, books, or multi type content which can be browsed and searched including in full text format. Below are the recommended databases from the library subscription with the content related to Paleontology.
GeoScienceWorld is a nonprofit collaborative and comprehensive Internet resource for research and communications in the earth sciences. GeoScienceWorld is built on a core database of peer-reviewed journals and is integrated with the GeoRef index.
Founding organizations include: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, American Geosciences Institute, Geological Society of America, Geological Society of London, Mineralogical Society of America, Society for Sedimentary Geology, and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), is the world's repository of experimentally determined organic and metal-organic crystal structures, and related applications software including GOLD and Relibase+. CSD also comprises software for database access, structure visualization and data analysis, and structural knowledge bases derived from the CSD.