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GEOL 205: Paleontology: Books

This guide is prepared for available information and materials in the NU Library.


Browsing the catalog of Nazarbayev University Library you can find the different types of books of paleontology. On this page, you can see some recommended textbooks, e-books, and scientific books from the library collection. Besides we are sharing links to some amusing open access books.

If you would like to browse the bookshelves, most related to Paleontology materials are in QE, GN sections of the library shelves. Please see the library building maps.

Can not find required or needed resources? We encourage you to recommend titles through the purchase request service and we will consider expanding the collection with new materials.



Scientific literature

How can I recommend new books to order?

The purchase request at the Nazarbayev University Library or contact with the subject librarians are the most useful method to get and improve the library collection. 

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