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Google: Google Scholar

Learn some tips & tricks to improve your Google searches as well as how to get the best out of Google Scholar


With the right combination of keywords and filters, Google Scholar can find articles and patents on most topics.

However, not all articles allow you to read the full text. The full text of the documents usually comes from institutional repositories, personal pages of scientists, open access journals, the public domain etc. The more recent materials (not in the public domain) are made available with the agreement of the authors for free access. Today there is a range of access permissions that you should know in order to make the best use of the articles without infringing the author's rights. 

Nazarbayev University Institutional Repository (NUR) is an example of an open-access resource indexed in Scholar

Use the tabs below to find more information to make the most of searching with Google Scholar.

Set Up Connection to the Library

On & Off Campus

On the right of the results list you can see if the article is available. You might see an option for [pdf] or full text through the Library. You should also click on the title link because the article might be available in open access through the publisher. 

Advanced Search

Click on the arrow in the basic search box to open Advanced Search to help you search more efficiently. 

Snapshot of Google Scholar Advanced Search menu

Email Alerts

You can also create alerts for new articles entering the database on subjects you are interested in or are new

snapshot of the results page when creating a Google Scholar Alert

Other Tips

  • Save or download citations in various styles by clicking the "Cite" link underneath each article.
  • See which articles have cited the articles you are looking at by clicking on "Cited by ..." link underneath the articles. You can use this option to discover new research on this subject. You can use the filtering inside these citation results as well (date, advanced search etc).

google scholar cite tools

My Library

From the main page of Scholar click on the upper left link "My library" to create your personal library of saved articles which you can access from anywhere and any device.

snapshot of the Google Scholar front page with the location of My Library link underlined

You can organize your library with labels. Create a new label on the left side menu "Manage my labels". Return to your library, tick the box(es) next to the article(s) you want to attach the label to. Select the appropriate label from the "Label" icon above the results and click apply.

snapshot of the Google Scholar label feature

Click on the labels later to retrieve the articles by subject/keyword.

Google Scholar Button

When you browse the web on a topic you can click this button and relevant articles from Google Scholar will be listed. Go to Scholar "Settings > Button" to install it on your browser.

snapshot of the Scholar button location on the browser

With Google Scholar you can get information about the impact of an article or author.

Search Google Scholar by author. Researchers with author profiles have a list of all their publications on the right of their profile.

Google Scholar graph of yearly citation indices

If no profile is available, search individual articles to view the citation count.

image of the search box

Alternatively you can browse lists of journals with their impact metrics according to discipline. From the menu on the left of the page click on Metrics. A language option is available as well for publications other than in English.

Learn about Gogle Scholar profile.

Google Scholar Search
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