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APSA Citation Style: Referencing

This libguide provides a brief overview on the APSA Citation Style for the political science discipline.

General Format

  1. List all references alphabetically by the author’s last name. Alphabetize via a letter-by-letter system (APSA, 2018, p. 59). 
  2. Avoid the use of ibid., idem, f., ff., op. cit. and loc. cit.  While these Latin abbreviations have been used for years in academia, they do not translate well, if at all, to online publication formats.
  3. When citing several sources by the same author, place them in chronological order, with the earliest single-authored source first, followed by multi-authored sources (15.16). When citing multiple sources from by the same author from the same year, references should be alphabetized by title (excluding any initial article), with letters attached to the year (i.e., 2009a; 2009b; 2009c).
  4.  Author’s, editor’s, or translator’s names should be given as they appear with the source.
  5. The year of publication is usually the only part of the date needed in a reference. If date cannot be determined, use n.d.
  6. Whenever a source is found, read, or used online, a direct link that leads the reader to the source should be included. DOI or permanent URL should be included.

For more detailed information on the formatting, please visit APSA Style Manual: References.

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  • Citing Sources
    Last Updated Feb 9, 2024 107 views this year
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