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Neuroscience: Media

This guide provides resources and information related to the study of Neuroscience.

Finding Media

The following media resources include movies that you will find in the Media Room on the 2nd Floor. Take the movie container to the Patron Services Desk to checkout the movie disc. 

Lectures from online sources are included that are relevant to how the brain works.



Call Number: PN1997 .A93 1997 (2nd floor/Circulation Desk)

Awakenings--which inspired the major motion picture--is the remarkable story of a group of patients who contracted sleeping-sickness during the great epidemic just after World War I. Frozen for decades in a trance-like state, these men and women were given up as hopeless until 1969, when Dr. Oliver Sacks gave them the then-new drug L-DOPA, which had an astonishing, explosive, "awakening" effect. Dr. Sacks recounts the moving case histories of his patients, their lives, and the extraordinary transformations which went with their reintroduction to a changed world.


Jill Bolte Taylor: My Stroke of Insight (TED Talks 2008)

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

Anil Seth: Your Brain Hallucinates Your Conscious Reality (TED Talk 2017)

Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience -- and not just any conscious experience, your experience of the world around you and of yourself within it. How does this happen? According to neuroscientist Anil Seth, we're all hallucinating all the time; when we agree about our hallucinations, we call it "reality." Join Seth for a delightfully disorienting talk that may leave you questioning the very nature of your existence.

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