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APA Referencing Guide

Guide to APA citation style using the 7th Edition of the APA Style Manual.

Common Mistakes

Indicating the first name of the author(s)

Jooss, S., Collings, David. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. Human Resource Management63(1), 141–157.

  Indicate the initials only.

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. Human Resource Management63(1), 141–157.


Use of connector "and"

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., and Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. Human Resource Management63(1), 141–157.

  Use "&" to connect the authors' names, and remember to put a comma after each author.

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. Human Resource Management63(1), 141–157.

Missing title of the journal

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. _______141–157.

  Do not forget to include the title of any item. It is an important element.

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. Human Resource Management63(1), 141–157.


  • Indicate the journal titles in full and italicize. Maintain any nonstandard punctuation and capitalization that is used by the journal in its title.
  • Titles of books, chapters, articles, reports, webpages, or other sources, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns.


Book title and article title in capitalized case

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A Skills‐Matching Perspective On Talent Management: Developing Strategic AgilityHuman Resource Management63(1), 141–157.

  In titles of books, chapters, articles, reports, webpages, or other sources, use sentence case, even if the title case was used in the original work.

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agilityHuman Resource Management63(1), 141–157.


Use italics and capitalize all major words in journal titles. 

The old version of the DOI link (for old articles) -


  Use the current DOI format -


The incorrect way of providing the URL

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. Human Resource Management63(1), 141–157. Retrieved from

  The correct format of the URL

Jooss, S., Collings, D. G., McMackin, J., & Dickmann, M. (2024). A skills‐matching perspective on talent management: Developing strategic agility. Human Resource Management63(1), 141–157.

  The word “References” is not bolded on the list of references.


         The word “References” is bolded at the top of the references list, and starts from a new page.


 Including the running head.


      Just the page number in the upper right-hand corner, no running head is required.


 The inclusion of “Retrieved from” before the URL in the list of references.


     Directly indicate the URL or the DOI without “Retrieved from”




Adapted from  Purdue Global Academic Success Center and Writing Center. (2020, November 20). Top Seven Common User Errors in APA Style 7th Edition.


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