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Data Introduction: General Data Search

Getting started to manage, find, share, understand ethics, create, and cite data.


On this page you will find links for general data search. Navigate under the page name to find sources for data search specifically in medicine, science, humanities.

How to search for data?

Searching for data is similar to searching for journal articles or primary sources: be clear on your research questions and keywords. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can you best describe what kind of data you are looking for?
  • From which agency?
  • Concerning what subject?
  • Which dates?
  • In what format?
  • Which Variables?

If you are a beginner researcher it is a good idea to apply the CRAAP Method to evaluate the source of data, like you would do for any online source:

Currency: When was the data published? Is it adequate for your purpose?

Relevance: for what kind of audience was the data created? will it be a good fit for your level?

Authority: who produced and published the data? do you trust the creator?

Accuracy: what methods where used to gather the data? are they trustworthy?

Purpose: what is the reason behind gathering this data? does it fulfill ethical considerations?

Keep in mind that there might be several barriers before you can download the data:

  • not everything might be available for every use and may have restrictions such as only for research purposes etc. Especially microdata might contain sensitive information or might be the property of a company. Ex. European Union microdata
  • The datasets might only be available to member institutions who have signed an agreement in order to use the data
  • You might need to become a member and/or sign agreements on how you intend to use the data
  • Other restrictions might apply.


General data indexes

For subject data sources, please visit Humanities and Sciences pages.

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