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Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference - 2020: Publication ethics

Conference Proceedings - Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement 

The Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference (EALC-2020) is an annual gathering of librarians and information specialists in Kazakhstan hosted by Nazarbayev University Library. Local and foreign participants attend each year to discuss the modern and emerging trends in university library development. The Library Connect conference has been publishing its conference proceedings each year. Below are the functions and duties of an editor, author and reviewer. 

Editor Duties

The editorial board is responsible for selecting papers submitted to the conference for publication in the proceedings. The editorial board will evaluate manuscripts based on intellectual content. There shall be no bias or prejudice against the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy. The decision will be based on the paper’s originality, practical application, purpose, high importance and contribution in the field and its relevance to the conference’s scope. 

Confidentiality. The editorial board must keep all information private to those who submitted their manuscripts for paper evaluation. They should not tell anybody except for the corresponding author or those who have access to the papers of the authors such as the reviewers or members of the editorial board

Disclosure and conflicts of interest. Editors or reviewers shall not take advantage of any ideas, data, or any information for their own research agenda. Written consent shall take place if the editors or reviewers found any interesting information in the manuscript that they would like to utilize for their research endeavors.

Author Duties

Reporting standards It is the sole responsibility of all the authors to report accurate and valid research. The authors shall provide proper citation format and complete references to avoid potential plagiarism. The authors shall adhere to and practice high standards of academic integrity. 

Data access and retention Authors are responsible for archiving their raw data. The editorial board or reviewers may ask for public access to such data for some verification process. The authors shall always be ready to provide them. 

Originality and plagiarism The authors are accountable in all their original works. No author shall submit plagiarized content. The authors should adhere to a high level of academic integrity.  

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication Authors should not submit the same manuscript in multiple conferences or journals. This is unethical and is unacceptable behavior for a scholar or researcher. 

Acknowledgment of sources All sources should be properly reviewed, cited, and acknowledged. Inform all respondents that their answers may be quoted in the manuscript. All conversations and correspondences must require permission from the party involved before citing them in the manuscript. This is a way to avoid possible plagiarism. 

Authorship of the paper Do not include names of people who did not make any significant contribution to the whole process of doing the research or study (conception, design, execution, analysis, or interpretation of the study). All possible co-authors who participated in the process of research shall be acknowledged. All possible co-authors shall see the final research output and have approved the final version of the manuscript prior to submission to the conference.

Reviewer Duties

Contribution to editorial decisions. The conference assures that all manuscripts undergo a peer-review process. The peer-reviewers aid the editor in deciding manuscripts for inclusion in the conference. They also provide insights into improving the paper of the authors.  

Promptness Peer-reviewers are given ample time to review abstracts and full papers. It is their responsibility to notify the editorial board if they can’t make a review prior to the specified deadline.

Confidentiality A certain level of trust is given to the peer-reviewers to ensure that all manuscripts assigned to them must be treated with the utmost confidentiality. They must not expose or inform others except as authorized by the editor. 

Standards of objectivity Objective reviews are expected from the reviewers. Referees should support all their arguments and should help the authors improve their manuscripts. 

Acknowledgment of sources Referees should have an eye for a paper that was not cited properly. They shall provide possible literature that may strengthen the argument of the author. Reviewers are responsible for notifying the editor if there are similar papers submitted by the same authors in other conferences.

Disclosure and conflict of interest Reviewers shall not divulge any information from the submitted manuscript. They shall uphold a high level of academic integrity and should avoid any conflicts of interest in reviewing manuscripts.


PsychOpen. (n.d.). Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement. Retrieved from ethics_and_publication_malpractice_statement.pdf

Conference Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement. Retrieved from ent.pdf

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