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Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference - 2021: Online Ethics


Online Ethics for Participants

The organizers of EALC 2021 advise each participant to observe the following netiquette practices. Your solidarity shows utmost respect to speakers and co-participants. 

  1. Always be on time to check in to the virtual conference. It is recommended that you connect to the virtual platform 10 minutes before the actual start of the online event.
  2. The conference registration team will check attendance for those requesting e-certificates. We strongly recommend using your first and last name when you log in. 
  3. Open forum for asking questions to speakers. Please use the zoom “Q&A” box for asking questions to speakers during the presentations and the Open forum. Kindly mention your first and last name, institution, and country
  4. We request your full attention. If nothing is urgent, please avoid replying to other things not associated with the virtual conference.
  5. If you are a presenter, we kindly request you to prepare a backup presentation in case technical difficulties arise.
  6. To accommodate more questions, we advise you to ask concise questions. Introduce yourself as short as possible and directly ask your questions. Comments may be typed in the chatbox and moderators will take note of it.
  7. Participants can communicate by using the zoom Chatbox. Avoid sending messages that are irrelevant. While we recognize where you are from, avoid polluting the chatbox with self-introductions.
  8. Most importantly, let us respect each other by using positive language. The conference organizers reserve the right to ban any participant that shows disrespect or uncalled for behavior.


The University of Pittsburgh (2020, July 8). Zoom Meetings: Etiquette and Best Practices.

Fabian, Karina (2018, July 03). 15 webinar etiquette tips for presenters and attendees.,will%20help%20others%20before%20commenting.

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