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Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference 2024: Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The program committee seeks submissions in line with the main theme Connect, Collaborate, Create: Advancing Library Associations and Partnerships to Future-proof our Profession and based on the following topics:

Success stories and best practices in academic libraries

  • Innovative strategies for engaging students in academic libraries.
  • Outreach and activities for library users
  • Innovative approaches in teaching and learning, engagement, marketing, etc.
  • Instructional design for information literacy, including teaching practice, session design, lesson plans, and self-paced modules to enhance performance.
  • Information Literacy and Virtual Learning Environments /online learning
  • AI in libraries and opportunities and obstacles in teaching information skills
  • Implementing the theory of information literacy into practice
  • Teaching information discovery and searching strategies
  • Library Systems and technology
  • Library projects and collaboration
  • Application of relevant SDG in academic libraries

Information skills for life, information organisation and management 

  • Information skills and lifelong learning in a changing educational landscape,
  • Information skills and technological developments (AI and other emerging technologies and innovation)
  • Developing information skills for the next generation
  • Ethical challenges of AI in libraries and teaching information skills
  • Information Skills and the Knowledge Economy
  • Information skills education and training
  • Information skills and academic libraries
  • Information skills and blended and distance learning
  • The future of information literacy
  • Plagiarism: teaching, tools, policies, challenges 

Strategic planning and management in academic libraries

  • The role of libraries in supporting the delivery of institutional goals and strategy
  • Local and global collaborations and partnerships as a strategy for change
  • Restructuring of libraries 
  • Professional communication
  • Management and leadership for the future
  • Managing change in libraries
  • Planning staff development
  • Strategic planning for student and academic engagement
  • Library policies and strategic development
  • Branding, promotion and marketing of libraries

Research practice in libraries 

  • Supporting research and Open Access
  • Digital Repositories
  • Supporting Research Data lifecycle in libraries 
  • Open Access Publishing 
  • The Read and Publish Agreements
  • Open Educational Resources
  • Libraries' role and contribution to the Open Science movement
  • Research Data management 
  • Open Access Management
  • Role of Academic Libraries in Open Research 
  • Modernising repositories for the era of Open Science

Management of Library Associations of IFLA

The Management of Library Associations of IFLA is delighted to collaborate with the Nazarbayev University Library and the Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan to present a joint conference. The goal is to bring information, experiences and recommendations to contribute to strengthen library associations worldwide. 

Here are MLAS themes to inspire you:

  • Information Integrity,
  • library advocacy,
  • library association’s financial sustainability,
  • strategic forecasting,
  • and membership management.

These themes identified by MLAS for the conference are based on MLAS analysis of data from IFLA and MLAS. Additionally, we considered priority themes of bodies such as the United Nations where IFLA has maintained a constant presence for the last ten years.

Submission Guidelines

Participants are invited to contribute papers such as research and case studies aligned with the theme and other relevant aspects. The Program Committee encourages a full paper submission. All accepted papers will be notified and included in the conference proceedings. 

  • Details such as author(s) name(s), designation, affiliation, and email address(es) must be included. 
  • The paper should not be published or presented elsewhere and should be written in English, Kazakh, or Russian.
  • Papers will undergo a single-blind review by at least 2 experts in the field. 
  • An informative 500-word abstract is required and it should include the purpose of the study, methodology, findings, practical applications, and a statement of originality (the value of the paper).
  • In submitting full papers, authors should register and create their EasyChair account and upload papers using this conference paper management system. Ensure you submit the correct conference with the acronym EALC 2024
  • Papers should be double-spaced. Limit the number of words to approx. 5,000. Use Times New Roman with font size 12.
  • Include a brief biographical note containing less than 50 words.
  • Use APA style (7th ed.) for referencing and citation.

Presentation format

  • The committee would appreciate receiving presentations using MS PowerPoint.
  • If other than MS PowerPoint, please let us know before 1 May 2024.
  • Accepted papers must be presented by the author(s) during the conference. Authors will be given about 20 minutes to present and 10 minutes for Q&A. 


All submissions should be done via EasyChair link.


Informative Abstracts

  1. Must be original and have not been published or presented at any other prior conferences.
  2. Must be written in English.
  3. A 500-word abstract is required
  4. Include the purpose of the study, methodology, findings, practical applications, and a statement of originality (the value of the paper).


Full Paper

  1. Participants are invited to contribute papers such as research and case studies aligned with the theme and other relevant aspects. All accepted papers will be notified and included in the conference proceedings. 
  2. Details such as author/s names, designation, affiliation, and email addresses should be included. 
  3. The paper should not be published or presented elsewhere and should be written in English, Russian, or Kazakh. 
  4. Papers will undergo blind review by at least 2 experts in the field. 
  5. An informative abstract with less than 500 words should include the purpose of the study, methodology, findings, practical applications, and a statement of originality (the value of the paper). (See submission guidelines for Abstracts)
  6. In submitting full papers, authors should register and create their EasyChair account and upload papers using this conference paper management system. Ensure you submit in the correct conference with this acronym (EALC 2024). 
  7. Papers should be double-spaced. Limit the number of words to less than 5,000. Use Times New Roman with font size 12.
  8. Include a brief biographical note containing less than 50 words.
  9. Use APA style (7th ed.) for referencing and citation.

Presentation format

  1. The committee would appreciate receiving presentations using MS PowerPoint.
  2. If other than MS PowerPoint, please let us know before 1 May 2024. 

Accepted papers must be presented by the author/s during the conference. Authors will be given 20 minutes each to present.



PechaKucha is a short, focused and inspiring narrated slideshow of 20 slides (20 seconds per slide) using MS PowerPoint. It will typically include progress updates, new developments, innovations, and best practices. 

See more information about PechaKucha  

Abstract length: 500 words

Presentation format

  1. The committee would appreciate receiving presentations using MS PowerPoint.
  2. If other than MS PowerPoint, please let us know before 1 May 2024.



Poster presentation includes work-in-progress reports as well as new developments and innovations  During the conference, presenters will display posters and be available to discuss their work at specific times. The display should summarise your research results using visuals such as tables, graphs, and pictures.

Posters should be A1 Portrait  (85 cm x 120 cm) and printed on paper for display on poster boards. Please bring the posters with you.Submit a digital version for the archive in an accessible format, ideally a PowerPoint or a PDF that will work with a screen reader.

Abstract length: 500 words

Submitted posters should be original and written in English, Russian and Kazakh languages.

In submitting posters, authors should register and create their EasyChair account and upload documents using this conference paper management system. 

Use APA style 7th edition in citing and referencing.



Workshops are interactive sessions where participants engage in discussions and activities that aim to improve their skills or generate practical ideas for future use. To participate, submit a 500-word proposal that includes details such as the topics to be covered, objectives, expected outcomes, target audience, and required equipment.

Presentation format (if applicable) 

  1. The committee would appreciate receiving presentations using MS Powerpoint.
  2. If other than MS Powerpoint, please let us know before 1 May 2024.


Submission Terms and Conditions

  1. When submitting an abstract, indicate whether it is for oral or poster presentation (e.g. Title [oral], Title [poster]). 
  2. All submitted materials will go through a peer-review process by an international review committee. Each document will be reviewed by three individual reviewers.
  3. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author.
  4. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings. All accepted posters will be published in the Abstract Book.


Oral and Poster Presentation Terms

  1. Either one of the authors of the accepted papers or posters must be present during the conference. Oral presenters will be given 20  minutes each to present. 
  2. Poster presenters are responsible for creating and printing their own posters.
  3. Accepted posters will be displayed at the poster session (the exact time and location will be listed in the final program). A representative of the study is also expected to remain by the poster during the coffee breaks.  

For inquiries, please contact

April Manabat (Chair of Program Committee)


tel.: +7 (7172) 69-26-69

Social Media

Follow us!

When you post, don't forget to tag us and include the hashtag #EALC2024

When sharing your conference experiences via social media, please tag us at using the hashtag #EALC2024. Make it fun and exciting to have a chance to win prizes!

1. Post on your social media platforms

2. Follow and tag us 

3. Use hashtags #EALC2024

4. You can use any language you are comfortable with.

5. Three (3) winners will be announced at the end of the conference


Important Dates

Important Dates

  • Call for Papers20 January 2024
  • Abstracts submissions deadline –  7 March 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance – 15 March 2024
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline – 1 May 2024
  • Submission of PowerPoint Presentations – 5 May 2024
  • Start of Registration 31 January 2024
  • Conference – 29-31 May 2024


If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at

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